Sunday, November 16, 2008

Drifter 10: Chapter 5: The Package

New Chapter out! DA link: Snipe!

Also: Three new things: Drifter is now on Facebook! Check it out here if you want! Snipe!
Only the first two chapters are up so far though, I'll get on that soon.
Second thing: A new update with Fan/Commission Drifter drawings will be up this week! Be ready!
Lastly: Please check Drawingz, because I have a question to ask you guys there.


Anonymous said...

Godon is crazy!

Checkmark said...

Crazy in a good way?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, crazy fast and good.

Miles said...

Is it me, or is the line-work getting much more expressive in your recent work? If so, what brought the change? New pens, etc? Anyhow, I like.

Checkmark said...

Thanks Miles, glad you like it! Yeah, I don't know what brought about the change exactly. It might have to do with how much I changed the format, plus I really wanted to do a better job on this issue. I've also been using more brushpens in addition to my normal smaller ones.

Miles said...

I like the new brush/pen look. Nice.

Checkmark said...

Thanks again Miles! I always appreciate your input!

ak said...

man, those neans are shiesty!