Saturday, May 09, 2009

Drifter Issue 10: Chapter 20: The Harsh Poisons.

A new chapter! Do they even exist any more? YES!

Facebook. DA.

ALSO: Depending on how well the voting goes, maybe a new evil Drifter with the most voted ability will show up somewhere in the comic!


Miles said...

I hope you found the drawing...taped to your drawing pad. Have a good summer and thank you for the lovely drawing.

ak said...

haha! the fan! that little guy is very Mike Mignola

Checkmark said...

Ha ha, I wasn't even thinking Mignola when I made him, but sounds good to me!

Yeah, I got the Drawing Miles, it's really awesome! Your ink/brush work is really interesting and well done!

Hope you have a good summer too, I'll try and stay in touch!

Pat said...

That poison guy is the creepiest thing I've ever seen.

Checkmark said...

Ha ha ha!