Sunday, April 05, 2009

Drifter Issue 10: Chapter 18: Phibi vs Phaish

Wow. I hope I never have to take a two week break again! New Chapter! Woot!

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jelly donut said...

This issue was cool. Cherry bombs were clever, and I approve of Trainera Foyer's decor.

Winter said...


Checkmark said...

Thanks fellas! Glad you enjoyed it!

Yes, it seems the giant chicken has somehow become modern art in the Drifter world. Paintings of his likeness can go for up 20,000 dollars!

Winter said...

hey i just put up that comic i was talkin about on my site, probably be putting it up on facebook as a photo album at some point too but i told ya i'd have you look at it first..

ak said... geez! super phoebe!

wait a minute...those paintings in the background are of giant chickens? eheh, well good, cuz that's more appropriate than what they looked like to me... aw geez