Thursday, May 22, 2008

The 3rd Drifter Q&A!

Alright, I thought now that another issue was completed, now would be a good time for the Summer Q&A section! This section is for you guys to ask any questions which have been bothering you, and I know your losing sleep over these haunting questions. Questions can be about the Drifter world, or how I make my comic. I'm also looking into Self-Publishing Drifter into a book soon, and I'd like to put these little sections in there too. That's another good reason to do this. Thank you, and ask some questions! Pishooo!


jelly donut said...

My question is:

Would Omega ever use a weapon?

Checkmark said...

Well, he did originally have that sword, but it got stolen by Eisle. I wonder if he'll give it back...

He prefers not to use a weapon though, he kept Spidra Teknode a secret before, but after fighting E.D.'s like Kraiv Apachi, he needs to just use it.

jelly donut said...

But even if he was defending the castle, and all the bad guys were coming and there was a mounted artillery piece that he could use to blow 'em all up? Would he use it then? I know I would.

Checkmark said...

Ha ha, he still prolly wouldn't use it actually. Unless he ripped off the turret and like beat people with it.

Anonymous said...

Will you ever kill a good drifter?

Checkmark said...

Hmm...if you mean Omega, Phibi, or Klura, then...I'm not saying. Ha. But it's possible a good Drifter will die sometime.

Winter said...

what other good drifters are there other than the main three? any that you are still going to put into the comic in the future?

Checkmark said...

Yes, there will be more good Drifters in the comic. Besides the main three and Suni, there's Godon and at least three more new ones after that.

Winter said...

why's his name omega?

Checkmark said...

Oh. didn't see this one. Sorry! I actually have a pretty specific plan for this question, but I don't want to say too much yet. I will say this though: Drifters either know their names instinctively when they're spawned, or end up finding a word they like and keeping it as their name.

Winter said...

i kinda figured it was something that was gonna be explained down the line, first i thought he'd be the last drifter, since omega is last and all that and maybe vieja is alpha for the first evil drifter or something now i'm just traveling on tree-limbs.

Checkmark said...

Yeah, I'm going to explain the back story of the Drifters in an Issue sometime. Then you'll know.

jelly donut said...

And knowing is half the battle!