Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Drifter Issue 8: Part # 15.

The plan is laid out. Omega still hates Vieja though.


Anonymous said...

dang omega just got handed his walkin' orders from a woman... apparent.

Checkmark said...

and Klura, he wanted to go too!

Anonymous said...

I like this page. Well written. Deepens the plot.

Anonymous said...

yeah what pat said makes sense

Checkmark said...

Thanks guys, glad you like the page. Yeah, I hope this issue can build even further on the plot like Titus Project did.

Anonymous said...

well it was easier for me to deepen the plot since there WAS no plot for titus. we just made him up. just like the story'll be easier for you now that you're on your own dudes.

Checkmark said...

Well, yeah I didn't know what Titus's plot would really be, but that issue has had the best story so far, even if it was contained within one issue.

Anonymous said...

what the eff!?