Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Drifter Issue 8: Part # 8.

What the crap is wrong with this guy?


jelly donut said...

That's the coolest squirrel ever.

Anonymous said...

Dang you again^! That panel with the squirrel kicking over the chess piece was awesome! Oh and I forgot to say on the last one, nice job on making Phibi the stereotypical girl and going to get a facial, you sexist pig, maybe she likes chess too! J/K

Checkmark said...

Ha ha, glad you liked the page guys. Also, Phibi would get a facial anyday over playing Chess. She likes being girly, dang it!

Anonymous said...

it's a genetically altered hybrid between squirrel and beaver! the scientists really didn't listen to malcom after all..

Checkmark said...

Indeed. Wait, no he's just a Squirrel!

Anonymous said...

hehehe, that squirrel. like the emperor's new groove. squeek squeeker squeek squeeken.

Checkmark said...

Indeed, that squirrel has become a superstar overnight. He stole the whole... page he was on.