Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Drifter Issue 7: Part # 17.

I guess guys on top of the gate get better weapons.


Winter said...

hes gonna beat titus with a giant flask!

Checkmark said...

Yes...Whiskey style.

Anonymous said...

that's awesome with the random soldier dude tryin to fight back and such

Anonymous said...

and where's fatbat i looked back and couldn't find him...

jelly donut said...

Glare! This one's cool, and the blog's silver now... which is special.

jelly donut said...

I guess it's kinda more blue actually...

Checkmark said...

Yes...Whisk-oh, I mean blue.

Thanks guys, glad you like it. I wondered if you might like the soldier Joel. Heh.

Anonymous said...

Hey this is really good cant wait to see what titus can do

Anonymous said...

That is a huge flask. Sweet Issue!

Checkmark said...

Thanks guys, yeah more stuff'll be happening later.

Joel, FatBat is in part #13. It's not exaclty, HIM, but it is one of his cameo's, so there.