Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Drifter Issue: Part #10

The contents of Nasira's jar is revealed.


Anonymous said...

Sweet! Very inventive.

TheNance said...

haha you mean THIS contents...

The thingy coming out of the jar deal seems kinda weird but i like the way he talks and stuff

Checkmark said...

Yeah. That first snake outta the jar is a little lame, and his head shading looks like he has a comb-over. Different, cooler ones will come out later.

Checkmark said...

Thank you. Yeah, Every main villain or good guy has one color on them. I'm running out of different ones though, I did light green twice already...

Anonymous said...

i like how people are getting color more, and i'm really getting to be able to understand completely whats going on. (its always been a huge problem with me and comics, thats why i like never ever read them)

so good job!