Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Drifter Issue 5: Part #8

Klura gets free!


TheNance said...

that... thingy... with the chain in the last frame looked cool.

good but a little confusing at the end there. was klura saving him by shoving him out of the way of the thingy?

TheNance said...

oh yeah and the explosion/impact in the frame before it looked really sharp and neat too

Checkmark said...

Thank you. I know that duck thing was confusing. What you said was right though. I coulda made him say: "Duck!" instead of "Shutup!" but I wanted him to say shutup. I actually did this page last week too, and when I made it I knew something was wierd about it.

Thanks though.

Anonymous said...

So who chucks that chain thing?

Anonymous said...

well obviously your mom chucks it

Checkmark said...

badguy. he's in the next page.