Cool. I'm excited for the next one. That is one fat bubble she has.
Yup. She had to talk.
talkin talkin talkin
lol. this "series", of comics i'll call it, seemed to be the longest series of all that you have made. all of them are really cool!
sorry, the last anonymous was me.gct1994
Thanks man. Yeah that one was the longest by three pages.
suhweeett deal.the pondering omega, heh.
Ha ha, yeah. I liked that panle a lot cuz his face and hands actually looked right.
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Cool. I'm excited for the next one. That is one fat bubble she has.
Yup. She had to talk.
talkin talkin talkin
lol. this "series", of comics i'll call it, seemed to be the longest series of all that you have made. all of them are really cool!
sorry, the last anonymous was me.
Thanks man. Yeah that one was the longest by three pages.
suhweeett deal.
the pondering omega, heh.
Ha ha, yeah. I liked that panle a lot cuz his face and hands actually looked right.
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