Thursday, November 24, 2005

Issue #2: Part 9

Omega and Kura's fight draws to an end, as Kura pulls out his secret weapon. Omega must stop it from destorying the town, but he'll need help.


Anonymous said...

OMG that's soooo good Andy!!!! You are an amazing drawer and person! I totally hope you do something with that. You'll be famous some day, just watch. ; ) much love

Checkmark said...

Thank's Andrea. It means a lot to me.

Anonymous said...

really awesome.

Anonymous said...

good job in protraying the movements.

Checkmark said...

Thank's man. I really liked the grenade in the first panel. Other then that, I could've managed the rest of the page a little better.

TheNance said...

really good. gets better every time.

Anonymous said...

u drew the poison gas can really well!!
